Friday, July 4, 2008

Just Because

I wanted to get some pictures up from this week. We had a tough week...Colton had a fever for 5 days, that spiked to 105.4 in the middle of the night on Tuesday. Off to the emergency room we went (for the second time in the past 3 weeks!!!). They just medicated it with Motrin and Tylenol. And mommy medicated it with tepid sponge baths. My pediatrician says that many kids have been in this week with very high fevers and no other symptoms. As of yesterday, Colton's fever was gone. Just a little (okay, a lot) cranky because he's still not feeling fantastic. Here are some pics from the week...
This rocking chair is mine from when I was little. My mom has lugged it all around for years, and then Nick and I have carted it around...finally it's getting some use. It needs an updated paint job, but Colton has really loved playing with it. He LOVES books (his favorite being, Goodnight Moon) and he'll sit in the chair and "read" a book for 15-20 minutes. (Those cheeks!!!)

Nick and I are getting ready to put wood floor in our dining room and bedroom tomorrow. So we also ripped out carpet this week.

One last pic...I'm not sure who the bigger ham is!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Poor guy! He's had a rough couple of months! I am so glad that he is feeling better. How exciting that you are getting your new floor! We are having ours installed the week of the 14th! i can hardly contain the excitement! Can't wait to get rid of this carpet!!!!!!!!