Sunday, December 7, 2008

Blogging Woes...

I've become a very lazy blogger. Or maybe it's just the sheer busyness of life these days! Time seems to go at an accelerated rate during the holiday season. We are good here in the Kaiser home. Colton's newest development is his games that he creates. He takes great satisfaction in making up games that he wants you to participate in over and over (and over). It's very entertaining to himself (and us, of course). He's turned into quite the streaker as well. Seconds after he strips down for a bath at night...he bolts out the bedroom door and down the hall in all his glory! The freedom must feel fantistic to him! I hope that he outgrows it before kindergarten. Here are a few pictures from a day in Morro Bay during our Thanksgiving break. We went out for fish & chips and went to the small aquarium to feed the seals.

We love Morro Bay! It's always such a fun day there!

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