Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Ahh... What a week.

My dad's surgery went very well. The doctor was able to remove the kidney and tumor completely from the front side (there was worry he might have to go through the back). It was a clean sweep as well, meaning that the entire tumor was encapusulated and removed with nothing left behind.

Recovery has not been as easy. My dad is in A LOT of pain. He's having a hard time keeping his liquid diet down (apple juice, tea, broth) and not able to stand or sit yet. It's hard to see him in such a vulnerable state. I don't think he'll be leaving the hospital as quickly as first thought. Which is a good thing too...round the clock nurses (who happen to be young and cute) isn't a bad thing. He needs to progress to keeping food down, moving on to more solid foods, sitting up, and walking before he can leave.

Keep praying. It is so appreciated!

On another note, Colton has started a cough this week and went to the doctor today. He has RSV. Not a huge deal for toddlers (as opposed to babies) but he is sick and feverish. Poor guy. I'm back home with him today, Nick is staying home tomorrow (so I can at least get to work one day this week!) and I'll be home again with him on Friday.


I'm tired.

Thanks for the continued prayers and support!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

My Dad

Some of you already know that my dad was diagnosed with kidney cancer at the end of last year. His surgery to remove the kidney that the mass is on is scheduled for tomorrow at 1:30. Our family would appreciate any prayers that you would say for him. I'll be heading to Fresno tomorrow morning and will update as soon as I can.

Isn't it nice to know that God is in complete control of it all? I know that His hands will be on the surgery. :-)

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Date Has Been Set...

I'm a terrible blogger.

I know.

It's just not on the top of my priority list these days.

I've also be pretty bad at e-mail too.


So here's some updates...
Max will be joining us April 15th. I scheduled the c-section yesterday. He's growing (and so am I). He's big (and so am I). Healthy and kicking (A Lot).

I've had the late-night panics set in "How do I grocery shop withTWO?"
Silly questions, but logistical concerns.

Thanks to friends who have been there, done that, I usually get my questions answered the next day.

Everything else is good here in our household. Nick starts golf season with his team soon. I've had a student teacher who has been great and taken on a lot of my duties at school.

We're just on the countdown now!

Thursday, January 1, 2009