Tuesday, January 20, 2009

The Date Has Been Set...

I'm a terrible blogger.

I know.

It's just not on the top of my priority list these days.

I've also be pretty bad at e-mail too.


So here's some updates...
Max will be joining us April 15th. I scheduled the c-section yesterday. He's growing (and so am I). He's big (and so am I). Healthy and kicking (A Lot).

I've had the late-night panics set in lately...like "How do I grocery shop withTWO?"
Silly questions, but logistical concerns.

Thanks to friends who have been there, done that, I usually get my questions answered the next day.

Everything else is good here in our household. Nick starts golf season with his team soon. I've had a student teacher who has been great and taken on a lot of my duties at school.

We're just on the countdown now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Megan! A date allready! I guess our little guys will only be about a week apart considering I am usually late. :) I love the name Max. Good Job. - Heidi