Thursday, May 21, 2009


Colton has not lost any interest in Max. In fact, every chance he gets, he wants to be playing with the baby. He will put a binki in Max's mouth if he's crying, and will sit and stare if Max is swinging in the chair. These are from yesterday when Max was in his play gym. Colton got right down and joined him. Surprisingly, he understands how to be "gentle" around Max (especially for the bull dozer that he is!)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Not For The Squeamish

Guess What?

"I went poo-poo on the potty!"

Mommy said she had to take a picture of my very first poo-poo on the potty. She's crazy! Mommy started clapping and jumping up and down when I went poo-poo. She's funny! Daddy gave me high-fives. I think this means that I am getting ready to start potty training. That's what Mommy and Daddy keep saying.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day!!!

Happy Mother's Day!

I am truely blessed with my two sweet boys!

And Happy Mother's Day to my mom who continues to teach me day after day! I love you!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


How does that nursery rhyme go about little boys loving snails and icky things? I can't remember it off the top of my head, but I was sure reminded of it yesterday. Busy getting a baby fed and dinner together, Colton was unleashed to the back yard (his most favorite place in the world). After about 10 minutes...I didn't see his little head bobbing back and forth in front of the window, so I decide to check. Here is what I found... He had made a new friend. A snail. Colton played for over an hour with the snail...picking it up, putting it back on the grass to watch it crawl. Yuck! Sometimes I think I'm way to much of a girl to handle two little boys! :-)

"Look, Mama!"

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Three Weeks

We are nearing 3 weeks since Max joined the family! Everyone has started to adjust, and we've gotten into somewhat of a routine (although I know it changes from week to week!). I have learned a few things so far since bringing baby #2 home...
Naps are a privilege...not a right!

Same goes for showers. :-)

A two-year-old understands a lot of what you tell him and loves to lend a helping hand.

You can love your second baby as much as you love the first (I was so worried about this!!)

Roll with the flow! When everyone is upset and need to join in! BREATH DEEP!

Secretly, late-night feedings don't really bother me!...They are a peaceful time between Max and I.

You can work on little to no sleep!

It helps to start dinner around 3:30...that way it might actually get done with all the distractions by 6:00!

Colton is so proud of his little brother!