Sunday, June 29, 2008

Into Everything!

Friends have warned me to put a lock on everything that you don't want your child in because kids get into e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g!!! Yesterday it became very quiet at one point in the day and I knew that something was up. So I went on a hunt for Colton and found this...

My underware drawer had been ransacked and Colton found a new toy to occupy his time for a while. He also put it on Brady quite a few times so the dog could be involved in the fun too!

Later in the day he had some fun with the empty diapers box...

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Colton Stats. Update

Colton had his 15 month check-up today. All is well with him, as he continues to grow. He's now 27 pounds (25 in March), 32 1/4 inches (30 3/4 in March) on his longer side, and his head is a whopping 20 cm (don't's genetic). He's still very much on the bigger end of the spectrum as far as kids his age. We kindly refused the MMR immunization today, as I just seem to feel that there is so much information to both sides of the controversy. Better to be safe than sorry. I'm just going to wait until he's 2 before that particular immunization.

His stitches from the battle wound have almost peeled off and he's continuing to crawl on every piece of furniture in the house and run (and wipe out) constantly. He is now in to hitting his plastic golf club against every ball in sight (go figure...Dad does the same thing). As he hits the ball he proudly yells, "BALL".

Nick and I are back to home do-it projects. I finally have picked out the new color of our bedroom after painting the wall 5 different ones just to find the right shade of gray. Hopefully our bedroom walls won't look like this much longer!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Our Trip to Urgent Care

Today started off like any, milk (for Colton), The Wiggles, and breakfast. And then...BAM!!! Colton knocked his forehead into the corner of the fireplace and took out a chunck of skin. Once I got the buckets of blood to finally stop, I realized that he probably needed stitches. So my wonderful neighbor, Patty, and I were off to Urgent Care. Two hours later, Colton came home with liquid stitches and a new teddy bear (compliments of the nurses who thought he was so cute). I'm sure this will be the first of many times like this. God gave me a little boy so that we could keep it real around this place!!! P.S. Colton is doing just fine now. Just pray he doesn't bust the stitches open since he refuses to stop running around the house!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Art of Self-Feeding

Wow! Who knew learning to self-feed with a utensil could entail such messes...and such patience (on the part of Mom, that is!)? It's a summer goal of mine to have Colton get this down.

He definately enjoys the process of getting the spoon to his mouth and feels quite proud when it makes it there. The hard part is just maneuvering it around so that he can get every last bite off the spoon and into his mouth.

As you can see...every last bite doesn't usually make it to its destination!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

I finally did it!

I have been asked over and over to get a blog spot going so that people could keep up to date with our family happenings. Well...summer is here and I finally am feeling like I have the time to do it. Not to mention, my friend, Jenny, has a great blog that I love visiting!
As many of you know, our son, Colton, is almost 15 months now. He is an active, "all boy", go-go-go personality. It's nonstop from morning till night. Here are some pictures of our summer fun so far over the past few weeks.

This has been the greatest toy of the summer so far!

Colton loves the pool!!! He's even getting use
d to the headband that he has to wear to keep his earplugs in. Whenever we exit the pool (usually after about an hour or when his hands and feet are wrinkled) he throws a HUGE protest.