Monday, September 8, 2008

A Quick Update

I'm just so lazy about the blog thing lately. I've had pictures from San Diego that I've wanted to post for weeks now. They're coming...I promise.

Life in the Kaiser household is at a norm. I'm heading toward my 8th week of pregnancy and the funny thing pants are already seeming to become more snug. Way earlier than when I was pregnant with Colton! I wasn't ready for that yet...and I refuse to wear maternity clothes so early!!! I've had kind of an all-day "morning sickness" queasy feeling. Some days are worse than others and then there are those days I feel pretty good. I've tried to monitor what I'm eating to see if anything sets it off, but haven't come to a pattern yet. I'm sure the 100 plus temperatures aren't helping! I do come home every day and longingly look at the couch for a nap...a luxury I had the first time around. However, life with a toddler does not permit such things! I basically sleep any chance I get on the weekends when Colton goes down. I was scheduled for an ultrasound today to see/hear the heartbeat, but the appointment was cancelled. So I'll fill you in on that next week.

First grade has been a lot of fun. No more pee...or vomit...or kids running away out of the classroom. Last Friday we painted pictures of fish with water colors and the room was SILENT. Then one little girl commented that it was the best day of school ever and that she couldn't wait to come back on Monday. There are a lot of cute comments here and there that help to make it a lot of fun. And they are SO excited when they learn something new! I do still miss my sweet 5th graders and have had a lot of last year's students come to visit. They hang out in my classroom and help the 1st graders on work or help me. I think I miss the conversation that I could have with the older kids and they way I could relate and connect to them. It's just a different ballgame with the little ones!

Anyhow, I will work on some more pictures! Colton seems to get bigger by the day. His newest word is "outside"...usually said in question form as he points out the window. Pretty cute.

1 comment:

Lewis Family said...

When we get home I would be happy to watch Colton while you take a nap!